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0.3.0 (2024-05-27)

  • Add clock to dashboard
  • Add density setting
  • Add high contrast mode
  • Add classic theme
  • Add notebooks
  • Allow changing group and place in event creation dialog
  • Make dashboard the back page
  • Improve icon style for different calendar item types
  • Improve custom title bar window buttons
  • Improve material 3 colors of chips
  • Improve child notes layout
  • Improve dialogs to go full screen on mobile
  • Use default page transition instead of fade
  • Unify select dialogs
  • Fix locale translations
  • Fix week system in calendar week view
  • Fix switching from moment to appointment doesn't update the dialog
  • Fix list view has duplicated items
  • Upgrade to flutter 3.19 and 3.22

Read more here:

0.2.1 (2023-11-10)

  • Add macos and rpm builds
  • Make calendar views switcher smaller
  • Simplify notes view
  • Allow editing in date time field
  • Disable PrivilegesRequired in windows setup (#23)
  • Upgrade dropdowns to material 3
  • Fix notes dashboard links
  • Fix showing wrong month in month view (#28)
  • Fix portable build
    • Fix file name in
    • Add executable permission on linux
    • Fix
  • Upgrade to flutter 3.16
  • Upgrade to agb 8

View all changes in the blog:

0.2.0 (2023-07-28)

  • Add virtual window frame
  • Add links to dashboard
  • Add ical remote storage
  • Add weekdays in list view
  • Add setting to set start of week
  • Add large layout for calendar
  • Use phosphor icons
  • Improve title bar
  • Fix dashboard scrolling and spacing issues
  • Fix primary card in notes
  • Fix end drawer
  • Fix collideswith
  • Fix month view
  • Fix ical importer for start date time
  • Fix internet permission on android
  • Upgrade to flutter 3.10

View all changes in the blog:

0.1.3 (2023-05-01)

  • Add weekday to week view
  • Improve date colors in month view
  • Fix dialog results
  • Fix markdown in lists
  • Fix calendar week display
  • Fix week view not starting on Monday

0.1.2 (2023-04-29)

  • Add version to settings
  • Add place to event filter
  • Improve list views
  • Fix windows setup again
  • Fix missing translation

0.1.1 (2023-04-27)

  • Fixing database directory

0.1.0 (2023-04-27)

First release 🎉